Sunday, April 1, 2018

Are You a "Chreaster?"

God wants you to know that a relationship with Him is  available only through His Son, Jesus the Christ, and that it is an eternal commitment. It cannot be established at or maintained through a once or twice-yearly visit to a religious gathering for man-made traditions such as at Christmas or Easter.

The commitment is an eternal one, not a yearly obligation to be checked off a to-do list. If you love Christ, then you will keep his commandments, which include gathering with your brothers and sisters in Christ on the first day of the week to fulfill those acts of worship set out in the scriptures.

Are you a Chreaster? Do you feel your "religious" commitment is met by attending a "church of your choice" for one or both of these two man-made traditions and then returning to your worldly life after the holidays have passed?

You need to rethink that.

Wouldn't you rather know the truth about what it takes to be "in Christ" and to be in a right-relationship with God every day of the year?


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