Friday, January 31, 2014

Sunday Preview -- February 2, 2014

I am always struck by the pleading of the father in Mark 9:24 whose son was demon-possessed. He comes to Jesus hoping that the Lord can heal his son. Jesus tells the man, "All things are possible to him who believes." The desperate father cries out, "I do believe! Help my unbelief!" Now, this man clearly has some level of belief. He brought his son some distance with the confidence that Jesus might be able to help them. But also note that this father realizes his belief is incomplete. He knows that whatever faith he has is not enough. Indeed, it is never enough. We ALL need more, deeper, and stronger faith in Jesus. The question is how do we get it? How do we grow our faith and how is faith generated in the first place? The next lesson in our Sunday morning series will shed light on this as we continue "The Sweet Sixteens Part Five: Faith Comes By Hearing (Romans 10:16-17)." Just as our faith may be incomplete, so too is our life outside of Christ. We need many things in order to feel fulfilled. How does Jesus (and Jesus alone) satisfy our greatest needs? Join us Sunday evening as we come to realize that we can only be "Complete in Christ (Colossians 1:28)." Hope to see you there!

In His service,
Rob Lester <9)))><

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