Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Opened Book

“With Your counsel You will guide me, And afterward receive me to glory” (Psalm 73:24).

The Bible tells us that “the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God” (2 Corinthians 4:4). As long as people allow their minds to be blinded, truth cannot penetrate their heart with the light of truth that God uses to give meaning to life. This allows Satan to use his power of darkness to remove hope, comfort and preservation from the unbelieving hearts.

In Psalm 119:49, David shows that Satan’s deceit and darkness keeps God’s hope hidden from the minds that fall prey to his scheme. David knew the hope of faithfulness, because he knew the demise of unfaithfulness also. His life was once filled with disappointment as he tried to keep his flesh satisfied, but now he has found the comfort of hope that does not disappoint by sacrificing his desires for the purpose of pleasing God. Living to please God will always fill us with hope.

The Psalmist also reveals to us that God’s word provides us with comfort in our afflictions (50a). Unfortunately there is one fact that applies to every living soul in which God has breathed life, and that is that all will face some kind of affliction. Without the application of God’s truth these afflictions tear away at our joy of living. It steals the vibrancy that should come with being created in the likeness of God Himself. But studying God’s word opens our hearts and minds to His comforting power. David obviously had some big problems going on in his life. And as he remembers the afflictions that caused him dismay, he remembers how he was able to overcome their power. He remembers God’s word as his comfort. The power of God’s comfort can be realized through faith. This comfort allows the faithful to rejoice instead of regress in their work for the Lord: “So they went on their way from the presence of the Council, rejoicing that they had been considered worthy to suffer shame for His name” (Acts 5:41). People without God’s comfort give in to the pressures of persecution because they do not know how to be comforted.

David reveals one more detail of God’s providence as he shows us the revival found in God’s truth (50b). Coming to a deep relationship with God’s truth gives life a vigorous meaning that adds a little pep to our step. Knowing God is faithful to His promises allows us to face the trials of life with confidence. It keeps us reminded of how the faithful disciples sacrificed their lives without regret. It reveals to us the integrity of the One who is providing and protecting His own. This gives us the power to overcome the adversities Satan throws at us to steal our faith (John 10:10). God has promised to keep His children safe by assuring them of the afterlife through the death, burial and resurrection of His Son (1 Peter 3:21-22). We can be assured death has no victory or sting when our faith is built on God’s truth. We have been preserved by God’s truth.

To appreciate these promises one must open the book that speaks of the life God offers. The words written in our Bibles originate in God’s breath, the same breath that brought life to dirt (Genesis 2:7). God breathed words that are printed on the pages of our Bibles need to be imprinted on our hearts so we can be recipients of the promises of God. Do not leave God’s word of truth lay dormant on the pages. Take these words of power off the pages of your Bible and make them your guide in life. Let them influence every aspect of your life so you “too might walk in newness of life” (Romans 6:4), newness that will bring hope, comfort and preservation.

In His Grace,

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